World News today is fulfilling Bible Prophecy spoken 2000 to 4000 years ago in the Bible showing Proof of God’s unfolding plan with mankind

Putin ‘already lost’ war in Ukraine, Biden says

Putin ‘already lost’ war in Ukraine, says Biden

Putin ‘already lost’ war in Ukraine, says Biden

BY BRETT SAMUELS – 07/13/23 11:38 AM ET
Putin ‘already lost’ war in Ukraine, Biden saysPresident Biden said Thursday there is “no possibility” of Russian President Vladimir Putin winning the war in Ukraine while adding he’s “already lost” the conflict as Biden capped a trip to Lithuania and Finland as a show of strength against Russian aggression.

Biden, in a joint press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, was asked whether his assurance that Ukraine will be able to join the NATO alliance once its war with Russia ends might encourage Putin to drag out the conflict.

Biden noted no country can join NATO while in the middle of a war, because it would drag the entire alliance into conflict — a stance Biden and his administration have been stressing this week as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized the alliance’s resistance to fast-tracking its membership.

“The issue of whether or not this is going to keep Putin from continuing to fight, the answer is Putin’s already lost the war,” Biden continued. “Putin has a real problem. How does he move from here? What does he do?”

“And so, the idea that there’s going to be what vehicle is used, he could end the war tomorrow. He could just say, ‘I’m out,’” Biden added. “But what agreement is ultimately reached depends on Putin and what he decides to do. But there is no possibility of him winning the war in Ukraine. He’s already lost that war.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, and the fighting has dragged on in the 17 months since with no end in sight. The U.S. and its allies have provided billions of dollars in support for Ukraine to defend itself.

Biden has previously argued Putin will not be able to win the war in Ukraine because the Ukrainians have put up a staunch defense in response to the Russian invasion, and his aggression has galvanized the NATO alliance.

The president this week attended a NATO Summit in Lithuania, where continued support for Ukraine was at the top of the agenda.

The U.S. and its Group of Seven allies announced plans Wednesday for security negotiations with Ukraine to ensure it had the military support it needed in the short-term and in the future to defer further Russian aggression. 

Despite the unity of the NATO alliance, it will not last and Europe and Russia will come together in both a political and military alliance.  One of the outcomes of the Ukraine war could see NATO losing support within the EU as they know they have to somehow live with Russia and this is why President Emmanuel Macron of France has said that longer term they need a   to form of a Security Pact with Russia, NATO will be a key issue in allowing that to happen.   See this article Ukraine War Tolls Death Knell of NATO

The Bible has long revealed that Russia and an EU Army will enter into a final conflict with Israel and the Middle East.  Germany is the key country in what Bible Prophecy refers to as the land of “Magog”. They are spoken of militarily as the “King of the North”.  Together the Bible says that Russia and the EU will invade the Middle East in the Last Days.  So, Bible Students expect to see Germany and France taking a greater role in leading Europe.  It is also interesting to see Germany taking greater control of a continent they tried to take by war and failed.

Yet again we see in Today’s News Headlines words that show how the Nations are fulfilling the latter-day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible. 

See this article to learn more about this and the latter day prophecies of the Bible.

See this article for more on this subject: WHAT IS NEXT FOR EUROPE


US and Britain forge pact to counter new threats

US and Britain forge pact to counter new threats

US and Britain forge pact to counter new threats with AFP    Published: Jun 9, 2023

US and Britain forge pact to counter new threatsUS President Joe Biden (R) and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (L) meeting in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 08 June 2023. [EPA-EFE/Al Drago]

The United States and Britain on Thursday (8 June) announced a new strategic pact as their leaders rededicated the “special relationship” to counter Russia, China and economic instability.

In a White House summit, US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak presented a united front on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the lightning-fast evolution of artificial intelligence.

But Sunak came away empty-handed on Britain’s ambitions for a post-Brexit free-trade agreement with Washington, settling instead to tack along with Biden’s plan to craft a new green economy through vast industrial subsidies.

An “Atlantic Declaration” adopted by the leaders aims to boost industry ties on defense and renewable energy, in the face of growing competition from authoritarian states.

“We face new challenges to international stability – from authoritarian states such as Russia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC); disruptive technologies; non-state actors; and transnational challenges like climate change,” the declaration says.

“Countries like China and Russia are willing to manipulate and exploit or steal our intellectual property, use technology for authoritarian ends, or withdraw crucial resources like energy,” Sunak told a news conference alongside Biden.

“They will not succeed,” the prime minister added.

Under the declaration, the two sides agreed to open talks on US treatment of critical minerals used in electric batteries in Britain.

Biden also agreed to ask Congress to designate Britain as a domestic source for defense procurement, to speed up development of next-generation weapons such as hypersonic missiles.

‘Never been stronger’

Despite the lack of a trade deal, Sunak said “the economic relationship has never been stronger,” describing the “special relationship” as in fact the “indispensable alliance.”

Keep watching the UK USA relationship developments as they will be aligned and working together to protect Israel as The King of the South spoken of in Bible Prophecy.  Bible Students fully expect to see the UK and the USA come close together with the UK leading the Commonwealth Nations as theKing of the North and South in the Latter Days

KING OF THE SOUTH against the EU and RUSSIA. We will see this develop following BREXIT. Bible Prophecy is very clear on the fact that Britain will be a major global politically leader at the time with Russia and the EU invade the Middle East.  Britain will assume this role following BREXIT along with the Commonwealth Countries (and America who is also of British origin) make up the King of the South (along with Israel, Eqypt and the Gulf Arab Nations) at the time of the end that will move to stop Russia and Europe from invading the Middle East.

God has declared the End from the Beginning and the Bible (God’s Word) revealed that Britain would not be part of the EU when Christ Returns to Earth, and World Events have conspired to ensure that has now happened. But we need to keep watching this development as there is much to see yet as Britain takes her place once more on the World Political Stage.

See this Article to learn more about Britian and the Commonwealth Block in Bible Prophecy.

So yet again we see the hand of God at work in the nations to ensure that His purpose unfolds on the earth.  Britain has now voted to leave the EU and will rebuild her ties with the Commonwealth Block.  Together they will challenge the rise of Russia and the EU and their influence in the Middle East. 

See this article below to learn more about this:

Britain a Trading Nation Again


Biden Administration Engages in Long Shot Attempt for Saudi Israel Deal

Biden Administration Engages in Long Shot Attempt for Saudi Israel Deal

Biden Administration Engages in Long Shot Attempt for Saudi Israel Deal

The president and his aides are pressing an aggressive diplomatic effort as Riyadh makes significant demands in exchange for normalization, including a nuclear deal and a robust U.S. security pact.

Biden Administration Engages in Long Shot Attempt for Saudi Israel DealPresident Biden arriving in Saudi Arabia for a visit that included meetings with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last year. A normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel could reap benefits for leaders of both countries — and Mr. Biden.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times

By Mark MazzettiRonen BergmanEdward Wong and Vivian Nereim

Reporting from Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh

Publish: June 17, 2023Updated 4:15 p.m. ET

Shortly after his plane took off earlier this month from Riyadh, where he had held a lengthy meeting with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken called a different Middle East leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Over 40 minutes, Mr. Blinken gave the Israeli leader a briefing about the significant demands the young crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, was making for his nation to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu had an update on his own demands.

The phone call — described by two American officials — was a turn in the Biden administration’s long-shot bid to broker a landmark diplomatic deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel, two historical adversaries who in recent years have been engaged in a discreet courtship in part over their shared distrust of archrival Iran.

The White House, which for more than two years has largely been content to sit out the poker game of Middle East diplomacy, has decided to make a bet and push some of its chips in. The United States is now in the midst of complex negotiations among three leaders who have their own reasons for a deal but are making demands that might prove to be too costly. And they simply do not much like or trust each other.

Several senior American officials said the chances of a deal could be less than 50 percent, and Mr. Blinken said he had “no illusions” the path to a deal would be quick. Still, a normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel would be one of the most dramatic events in a continued realignment of the Middle East, and could reap benefits for leaders of both countries, as well as President Biden, who faces re-election next year.

It would also make explicit what has been true for a long time: that the government of one of the Arab world’s most influential countries has effectively made its support for a Palestinian independent state a lower priority.

For Mr. Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia’s recognition of Israel would be a significant political victory for the embattled leader, whose hard-right coalition government faces fierce domestic opposition.

For his part, Prince Mohammed is seeking a strengthened security relationship with the United States, access to more American weapons and U.S. consent for the kingdom to enrich uranium as part of a civilian nuclear program — something that Washington has long resisted.

For Mr. Biden, drawing closer to Saudi Arabia carries political risks — he once pledged to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” — but a diplomatic pact in the Middle East could be a boon ahead of the 2024 election. American officials also see strategic importance in bolstering ties with Saudi Arabia: as a way to keep Riyadh from gravitating further toward China, two nations that have engaged in an increasingly warm embrace.

This has been an ongoing development since the efforts of former President Donald Trump to bring about Peace in the Middle East.  This is not surprising to Bible Students as we fully expect to see this development based on Bible Prophecy that has foretold the alignment of Nations in the “latter days”.  The Bible describes a King of the North and a King of the South Geo-political Alignment of Nations in the last days prior to the last battle of mankind and the intervention of Christ to established God’s Kingdom on Earth Forever.  We read of this in Daniel Chapter 11:King of the North and South in the Latter Days

“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.”

You can read more about this in this article: Alignment of Nations in the Latter Days


What Comes After Putin’s Rule in Russia. The West Should Beware

Beware of What Comes After Putin’s Rule in Russia

Beware of What Comes After Putin’s Rule in Russia

The West Should Beware

What Comes After Putin’s Rule in Russia. The West Should BewareRussian President Vladimir Putin meets with families awarded Orders of Parental Glory via a video link at the Kremlin in Moscow on International Children’s Day on June 1, 2023.



Published: JUNE 2, 2023 5:00 AM EDT

Walton is one of the world’s leading scholars of intelligence and national security. An historian at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, he received a doctorate in history from Trinity College, Cambridge, where he also helped to write MI5’s authorized hundred-year history. His new book is SPIES: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West

News of a recent alleged assassination attempt on Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, raises the question: what kind of Russia might emerge after him? It is tempting to believe that, if Putin were killed, or otherwise removed from power, for example in a palace coup, Russia would shake off its dictatorial shackles, normalize its relations with the West, and advance down the democratic road. Such thinking is mistaken. History suggests there are slim prospects of Russia doing so.

The surest guarantee that Russia will not reform along democratic lines is the power of its security and intelligence services. At key junctures in Soviet and post-Soviet history, amid coups, near-coups, reforms, and revolutions, the KGB and its successors have always acted as kingmaker. Their power has remained consistent as Kremlin leaders came and went. There is little reason to believe they will not do so again.

Russia is effectively a security service with a state attached. Its intelligence services—the FSB, SVR, and GRU—wield vast influence. For the last two decades, Putin has ruled Russia by relying on “men of force,” siloviki, who have KGB or military backgrounds. By some estimates, 77 percent of Putin’s government were siloviki in 2019. According to one recent CIA chief of station in Moscow, the “overwhelming majority” of technocrats in his government come from this background. And Putin is not necessarily the most hardline among them.

If Putin were eliminated, and someone like Nikolai Patrushev, on Russia’s Security Council, were to take power, little would change. The same goes for another silovik, Putin’s minister of defense, Sergei Shoigu, or Alexander Bortnikov, old KGB hand and FSB director. With one of them at the helm, the situation may be worse. They may have clearer heads than Putin. The West may be better off with Putin than his alternatives. Better the devil you know.

True Bible Students expect to see a leader of Russia who will form a close relationship with Europe with not only a political alliance but also a military alliance.  While Putin is exactly the type of strong leader we expect to see in Russia at the time of the end prior to Christ’s Return, with current events he has destroyed his relationship with Europe to the point he will never be trusted again.  So we fully expect to see a new leader albeit one who will still lead with a strong hand but have all the outward appearance of a democratic leader, a wolf in sheeps clothing as it were so that while he brings Russia in to a very close relationship with Europer he is one that still has ambitious thoughts for world control taht will bring Russia and Europe in to a final conflict of man. 

According to Bible Prophecy the Leader of Russia at the time of the End is called “Gog” ie. a chief one a strong and authoritarian ruler just like Putin.  So, if he stays in power for life, he could well be the one that will bring Russia and Europe down into the Middle East in fulfilment of Bible Prophecy.

Putin is very much fitting the description of ‘Gog’ as all news articles today paint him as a leader to be feared, an Authoritarian Leader not to be messed with.  Gog will develop a close relationship with the EU whereby Gog will become a “guard” unto the EU. 

Gog is also spoken of militarily as the “King of the North”.  Together the Bible says that Gog and the EU will invade the Middle East in the Last Days.

Yet again we see in Today’s News Headlines words that show how the Nations are fulfilling the latter-day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible. 

See this article: PUTIN’S Gogian Style Rule fulfills Bible Prophecy

See this article below to learn more about this and the latter-day prophecies of the Bible. 

Bible Prophecy about the Alignment of Nations in the Latter Days


Yossi Cohen

Deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia is absolutely possible

Deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia is ‘absolutely possible,’ says ex-Mossad chief

Deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia is ‘absolutely possible,’ says ex-Mossad chiefYossi Cohen, citing ‘personal knowledge’ of potential dealings, strikes optimistic note, as senior Netanyahu aides said to be headed for Washington

By LAZAR BERMAN Today, 9:05 pm  

Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen speaks at a conference of the Makor Rishon newspaper at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, February 21, 2022. (Yonatan Sindel/ Flash90/ File)

Against a backdrop of measured optimism from Jerusalem over the chances of a normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen said Sunday that such an agreement was “absolutely possible.”

Speaking at the Institute for National Security Studies, Cohen — Israel’s top spy from 2016-2021 — said, “in my opinion – and here I am leaning on personal knowledge on the topic — it is absolutely possible.”

“There is indeed in the Middle East a new era in which brave leaders… know how to create normalization,” he added.

There has been a flurry of reports that US-brokered talks between Jerusalem and Riyadh on starting direct flights for Hajj pilgrims are in advanced stages.

A flight deal could have the potential to lead to a wider normalization deal — which has long been sought by Israel but largely rejected by the Saudis.

In exchange for full normalization with Israel, Saudis are said to be demanding that the White House unfreeze some Trump-era weapons deals that were frozen when US President Joe Biden took office, and are also seeking a defense treaty with the US, similar to NATO, as well as the US stamp of approval for a civilian nuclear program.

This has been an ongoing development since the efforts of former President Donald Trump to bring about Peace in the Middle East.  This is not surprising to Bible Students as we fully expect to see this development based on Bible Prophecy that has foretold the alignment of Nations in the “latter days”.  The Bible describes a King of the North and a King of the South Geo-political Alignment of Nations in the last days prior to the last battle of mankind and the intervention of Christ to established God’s Kingdom on Earth Forever.  We read of this in Daniel Chapter 11:King of the North and South in the Latter Days

“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.”

You can read more about this in this article: Alignment of Nations in the Latter Days


Erdoğan: I have a ‘special relationship’ with Putin and it’s only growing

Erdogan in special relationship with Putin

Erdoğan: I have a ‘special relationship’ with Putin and it’s only growing

‘Russia and Turkey need each other in every field possible,’ says Turkish president.

Erdoğan: I have a ‘special relationship’ with Putin and it’s only growingIn a speech, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan described Vladimir Putin as a “dear friend” | Alexander Nemenov/AFP via Getty Images


Published: MAY 19, 2023 4:38 PM CET

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ♥ Vladimir Putin.

Turkey will defy pressure from the West and continue to strengthen political and economic ties with Moscow despite its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the country’s president has insisted a week before he faces voters in a tense runoff election.

“Russia and Turkey need each other in every field possible,” Erdoğan told CNN in an interview aired Friday, emphasizing his own “special relationship” with Russian President Putin is deepening.

“The West is not leading a very balanced approach — you need a balanced approach toward a country such as Russia,” Erdoğan said. “We are not at a point where we would impose sanctions on Russia like the West has done.”

Despite the country’s membership of NATO, Ankara has stepped up its economic ties with Moscow since the start of the war, increasing imports of cheap Russian oil embargoed by other European countries.

One might think it strange that Turkey should be getting into bed with Russia given the recent actions of its leader Putin, but Bible Prophecy has long shown that Turkey will have a close relationship with Russia in the lead up to man’s final conflict and the return of Christ.  So, keep watching this development with Turkey as they move closer in their ties to Russia. 

King of the North in Bible Prophecy

Based on Bible Prophecy Turkey will be with Russia and Europe when they invade the Middle East as described in Ezekiel 38.   We fully expect to see Russia become more closely linked to Europe militarily whereby Russia will become a “guard” unto the European Nations according to Ezekiel 38:7. 

Also, Ezekiel 38:6 says that “Gomer (France), and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (Turkey) of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.”

So somehow Turkey will be involved with Russia and it’s Army and the move into the Middle East.

See this article to learn more about this and the latter-day prophecies of the Bible.

Bible Prophecy about the alignment of Nations in the Latter Days




written by David Mark March 14, 2023

NEW GAS DEAL WITH EUROPE TURNS ISRAEL INTO A SUPER POWERPrime Minister Netanyahu travelled to both German and Italy this past week to ink a new gas deal with $5 billion euros annually.

More than the money, the deal is set to reset Israel-European relations by forcing Europe to reduce their overt support for “palestinian” NGOs and reexamining votes in the UN.

“You’re going to fall off your chair,” reporter Yossi Baum tweeted Monday night and continued: “It looks like the prophet’s vision of the end of times, but these are the facts: Israel is becoming a superpower. Our tiny country is becoming an extremely dominant and significant player vis-à-vis Europe, in a way that completely changes the rules of the game in the Middle East, including vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority. This is unbelievable!”

Besides the gas deal, Netanyahu inked a $3 billion arms sale to Germany.

Strategic Effect On Russia

There is an unspoken strategic consequence of the gas deal. The deal will begin to cut Russia’s influence over Europe by changing Europe’s dependency on gas away from Gazprom in Russia, to Israel. The Europeans may hate the Jewish State, but if it’s a choice between Jewish Israel and Putin’s Russia, they rather deal with Israel. Even if they have to ultimately jettison the arabs in Judea and Samaria to get the gas they need.

With battle lines drawn between the West and the new axis powers of Russia, Iran, and China, Israel is quickly finding that is having to make some hard choices. Europe has been against the Jewish State for some time, but at the end neither Europe or Israel have little choice but to work together.

With Israel in the driver’s seat, its little surprise that Bibi seems unfazed by the leftist color revolution brewing in Israel. After all, while it appears that the State Department might be openly antagonistic to the State of Israel, Europe is changing its tune. This leaves America more and more isolated when it comes to Mideast policy.

End of Days?

Much of what we are witnessing in our generation is eluded in the Bible. It says in the Torah: “God shall enlarge Yapheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”

It is understood that Europe is the descendent of Yapheth, one of the three son’s of Noach, while the people of Israel are descended from Shem.

Beyond the gas deal, Netanyahu has asked Italy to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and ancestral capital of the Jewish people.

This is an interesting development and one that as the writer says is definitely pointing to the ‘End Days’ ie. a time which will soon see the Return of Christ.  It is also interesting to see Israel moving to a position of a major international supplier of Gas.  Israel of the last decade has been discovering more and more gas reserves as has Egypt.

Bible Prophecy about the time of the End says that Russia and Europe will come down into the Middle East to take a spoil, Ezekiel 38:10-13The Real Armageddon

“10 Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: 11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, 12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land. 13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” 

So, could the large Gas reserves in Israel and Egypt become part of the “spoil” that Russia and Europe will be drawn down to take?

See this article about the Real Biblical Armageddon


President Erdogan of Turkey

How Turkey is ruining NATOs moment of Unity

How Turkey is ruining NATOs moment of Unity

President Erdogan of TurkeyPresident Erdoğan is blocking the quick NATO membership addition of Sweden and Finland to the alliance.

By Jen  Feb 4, 2023, 8:00am EST

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan holding a press conference during the NATO Summit at the IFEMA congress centre in Madrid, Spain, on June 30, 2022. Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Jen Kirby is a senior foreign and national security reporter at Vox, where she covers global instability.

This July, NATO will meet for a key summit in Lithuania, a chance to get leaders together and showcase the alliance’s strength and renewed sense of purpose against the backdrop of Russia’s war against Ukraine. And NATO wants to do this in one very specific way: by welcoming two longtime holdouts, Sweden and Finland, into NATO.

Except right now, Turkish President Recep Erdoğan is threatening to spoil it all.

Erdoğan, specifically, is raising new objections to the ascension of Finland and especially Sweden over what Turkey perceives as the latter’s lax policies toward Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and other groups that Turkey deems terrorist organizations. Most recently, Erdoğan has used a far-right politician’s burning of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm to harden his opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid.

All NATO members must approve new ones, so Erdoğan’s opposition is effectively a veto. The Turkish president is not alone in declining support— Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is also holding outfor now(Hungary have now said that they won’t stand in the way) but Erdoğan is seen as the more legitimate roadblock. Erdoğan is flexing his foreign policy power and influence, and seeking to improve his domestic political position, especially ahead of difficult elections this May.

While this may be just an internal political issue for President Erdogan, what we know from Bible Prophecy is that Turkey will be allied with Russia at the time of the end when Russia and Europe come down to invade the Middle East.

The Bible has long revealed that Russia and an EU Army will enter into a final conflict with Israel and the Middle East.  Germany is the key country in what Bible Prophecy refers to as the land of “Magog”. They are spoken of militarily as the “King of the North”.  Together the Bible says that Russia and the EU along with Togarmah (Turkey), Persia (Iran) and Cust (Ethiopia) will invade the Middle East in the Last Days.  So Bible Students expect to see Germany and France taking a greater role in leading Europe.  It is also interesting to see Germany taking greater control of a continent they tried to take by war and failed.

Yet again we see in Todays News Headlines words that show how the Nations are fulfilling the latter day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible. 

See this article to learn more about this and the latter day prophecies of the Bible.

See this article for more on this subject: WHAT IS NEXT FOR EUROPE


Europe Doesn't Need the United States Anymore

Europe Doesn’t Need the United States Anymore

Europe Doesn’t Need the United States Anymore

January 30, 2023  in EuropeNews

Europe Doesn't Need the United States AnymoreThe Russian military’s weaknesses have been apparent since the early days of the war in the Ukraine. The staggering losses in troops and equipment, Moscow’s inability to adequately equip or even supply its troops, and the multiple shifts in command—Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest choice—have exposed the myth of the Russian army’s supposed invincibility.

The jostling between Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner Group—a private army active in the key battles of Soledar and Bakhmut—and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu as well as Russia’s high command attests to deep and persistent friction among the very people Putin counts on to run the war and attain victory.

Still, nearly a year since the invasion began, Russia is still regarded by many as a formidable military power and a dire threat, not only to Ukraine itself but also to Europe as a whole. This continues to be the predominant lesson drawn from the Russian military’s decision to invade what is—the European part of Russia aside—Europe’s largest country in land area and one of its most populous.

Driving this widespread assumption is the misguided notion that Europe is simply incapable of defending itself without the help of the United States and that in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine the U.S. military presence has to be beefed up—which it has. This belief is pervasive in the corridors of power in Washington and Europe and was reiterated most recently by Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in December.

This assessment—of a Europe rich and technologically advanced but in effect defenseless—was compelling for much of the Cold War. Back then, the Soviet Union had a substantial conventional military advantage over Western Europe. Soviet troops were forward-deployed all across Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe (which formed part of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact), with more than 300,000 Soviet troops stationed in East Germany alone. European economic recovery was also a work in progress.

Today, however, this view is flat-out wrong.

A somewhat startling headline, it will be interesting to see this thought continue to develop within the EU as the EU is challenged to deal with its future security post the Ukraine war no matter how it ends.  President Emmanual Macron wants to bring Russia back to the negotiating table and begin dialogue on some form of a Security Pact with Russia, NATO’s existence in its current form will be an issue even more so now.

The Bible has long revealed that Russia and an EU Army will enter into a final conflict with Israel and the Middle East.  Germany is the key country in what Bible Prophecy refers to as the land of “Magog”. They are spoken of militarily as the “King of the North”.  Together the Bible says that Russia and the EU will invade the Middle East in the Last Days.  So Bible Students expect to see Germany and France taking a greater role in leading Europe.  It is also interesting to see Germany taking greater control of a continent they tried to take by war and failed.

Yet again we see in Todays News Headlines words that show how the Nations are fulfilling the latter day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible. 

See this article to learn more about this and the latter day prophecies of the Bible.

See this article for more on this subject: WHAT IS NEXT FOR EUROPE


Europe Needs a Strategy for Russia After Putin

Europe Needs a Strategy for Russia After Putin

Europe Needs a Strategy for Russia After Putin

Competing ideas about the end state of the war are striving for dominance.

By Bart M. J. Szewczyk, a nonresident senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund and an adjunct professor at Sciences Po.

Europe Needs a Strategy for Russia After PutinFrench President Emmanuel Macron is interviewed by French television host Caroline Roux in Paris on Oct. 12, 2022. LUDOVIC MARIN/FRANCE TELEVISIONS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

JANUARY 20, 2023, 12:36 PM

As the defense ministers of NATO and other nations met at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, today and tried to resolve their divisions over supplying Ukraine with the heavy weapons it needs to drive Russian forces out of its territory, it’s clear that there are very different visions of the end state of the war and the region’s future. Among European countries, especially, there are stark differences about long-term policy toward Russia. There are now at least three camps of thought competing for Europe’s strategic center of gravity.

The first camp seems to believe it can turn back the clock when the war is over. Last month, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz argued that Russia should “return to the fold” after the Ukraine war and resume normal business relations with the West. In the same vein, French President Emmanuel Macron has routinely emphasized dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin and said he envisions a new security architecture with Moscow that would establish “guarantees to Russia”—echoing Putin’s talking point that Russia is threatened by the West, not Ukraine by Russia.

The idea behind this approach is that Putin could be rationally persuaded to recognize his mistake in waging war against Ukraine and make amends. Macron, in particular, has repeatedly tried to reason with Putin through numerous phone calls—but without any success. Europe’s economic difficulties set off by high energy prices also drive this hope for rapprochement. Paradoxically, however, this policy may prolong the conflict, as it does not resolve the underlying issues with an aggressive, revisionist Russia. And the economic argument also appears weaker now that Europe has found effective alternative supplies of gas and oil.

Any cease-fire or peace agreement with an unreconstructed Russia will be inherently unstable—only a prelude to a future conflict.

A second camp among NATO allies wants to ensure that Ukraine wins and Russian war crimes are prosecuted. The invasion’s brutality—and its fundamental challenge to an international order with respected national borders—has pushed leaders in this camp to argue for a clear Ukrainian victory in which Putin’s aggression is not rewarded and Ukraine’s sovereignty over its territory is restored. During a visit to Kyiv in late November, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki framed the issue starkly: either Ukraine wins or Europe loses. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, and various European leaders echo this view. The goal of a clear Ukrainian victory usually goes hand in hand with the desire to prosecute Russian war criminals. This week, the European Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to create an international criminal tribunal to do exactly that.

The underlying logic here is that to restore and preserve European peace, there is no alternative to defeating Russia and prosecuting Putin and his accomplices.

A third camp, barely voiced but emerging view is that Europe will only be fully safe if Russia itself is transformed. The brutality of Russia’s war, the grandiosity of the Kremlin’s claims over neighboring countries’ territory, and the openly genocidal intent voiced by Russian leaders and propagandists have evoked historical analogies to the Nazi regime—leading some analysts to call for a fundamentally different Russia.

Whether through decentralizationdemocratization, or dissolution, this line of reasoning goes, Russia must change in order to prevent more wars against its neighbors. Former Polish President Lech Walesa, for example, suggested that Russia must either democratize or reduce its power in order to prevent another war in five or 10 years.

The intuition for this approach is that any cease-fire or peace agreement with an unreconstructed Russia will be inherently unstable—only a prelude to a future conflict. While fundamental change can only be driven and established internally by Russians, it can also be encouraged and supported from outside—or, at the very least, be passively supported by not standing in the way.

As the views of Scholz and Macron become increasingly isolated in Europe, the continent’s policymakers appear to be gravitating toward acknowledging the need to defeat and perhaps even transform Russia. On the one hand, it is gradually becoming apparent that Europe’s core interests in peace, prosperity, and democracy cannot be served with Putin remaining in power. Turning back the clock, therefore, no longer seems to be an option—if it ever was a realistic one in the first place. Yet even if Europe has any direct influence over Putin’s departure, recent history of regime change counsels against applying it.

The view that Russia must be defeated has become more popular with shifts in the tide of battle. The massive supply of weapons into Ukraine – predominantly by the United States, but also by Britain, Germany, Poland, and other countries—has enabled Ukraine to regain significant parts of its territory. As horrific Russian war crimes come to light in liberated towns and villages, countries such as Poland and Canada have established special prosecutor teams to investigate and collect evidence in preparation for eventual prosecution under domestic or international legal mechanisms.

This is interesting as we fully expect to see the EU changed as a result of the Ukraine war.  And that change will ultimately involve the EU in drawing closer to Russia.  So, WATCH this ongoing development as this current war in Ukraine is causing the EU to rethink in a way none of us would have envisioned.  Europe will form a ‘Security Pact’ with Russia.

Ancient names of NationsThis EU SUPERSTATE will along with Russia enter into a final conflict with Israel and the Middle East.  Germany is the key country in what Bible Prophecy refers to as the land of “Magog”. They are spoken of militarily as the “King of the North”.  Together the Bible says that Russia and the EU will invade the Middle East in the Last Days.  So Bible Students expect to see Germany and France taking a greater role in leading Europe.  It is also interesting to see Germany taking greater control of a continent they tried to take by war and failed.

Yet again we see in Today’s News Headlines words that show how the Nations are fulfilling the latter-day alignment of Nations as Prophesied by the Bible.

See this article to learn more about this and the latter day prophecies of the Bible.

See this article for more on this subject: WHAT IS NEXT FOR EUROPE
