Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?

The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?There is no need to despair because of the deteriorating social and religious conditions on earth today. Though it might seem that the world faces a bleak future and that no leader has any solution to the crises that disturb so many, there is a grand hope offered to thoughtful men and women prepared to look beyond the present.

The Bible is the source of such confidence; it has a message of hope and real security. A consistent message of divine purpose continues from the beginning to the end of the book — notwithstanding that over forty different writers were responsible for the writing of the books, and over 1600 years were encompassed in its compilation. It is the authentic Word of God, and its prophecies and declarations are therefore recorded under divine inspiration. That is the reason why it is so consistent in its message, so unerring in its prophecies, and so reliable in its precepts and teachings. We can go to its pages with complete confidence and assurance. Read more
