Entries by Steve

12 Proofs the Messiah DID NOT Pre-Exist!

12 Proofs the Messiah DID NOT Pre-Exist! By the Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YAHWEH) The plan of YAHWEH God has been overlooked by the people in this world because they have accepted the PAGAN DOCTRINE of a pre-existent savior who did it all for them. This pagan doctrine was contrived for the purpose […]


The End of the World

The End of the World Horror Story – or Bible Hope? AS the sun began to rise, the truth became frighteningly clear: nothing was left. There was no-one to be seen; every living thing had been destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth. Survivors Yet, incredibly, there were a few survivors; just one family […]


The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ There is no need to despair because of the deteriorating social and religious conditions on earth today. Though it might seem that the world faces a bleak future and that no leader has any solution to the crises that disturb so many, there is a […]


Women vs Men – Inferior or Equal

Women vs Men – Inferior or Equal by Becky Stelzer on January 1, 2007; last featured August 18, 2008 What is the biblical view of a woman? Is she a man’s equal, his superior, or his inferior? Modern extreme feminism places women in authority over men, while traditional Darwinian evolution places women far below men.1 […]


Why Do Some People Believe So Strongly in Evolution?

Why Do Some People Believe So Strongly in Evolution? Days of Noah and the Second Coming There are two earth-shattering events which cannot be explained on the basis of uniformitarianism. The first was the creation of the world and the second event was the worldwide flood. It was the second of these two events, the […]


Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

Is the Bible Really the Word of God? The Proper Cure for the Disease John Warwick Montgomery tells us a parable: A great king (God) had a son (mankind) who had grown up out of contact with his father. While journeying in a distant province the son fell seriously ill. The doctor accompanying him (reason) […]


The End of the World

The End of the World Horror Story – or Bible Hope? AS the sun began to rise, the truth became frighteningly clear: nothing was left. There was no-one to be seen; every living thing had been destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth. Survivors Yet, incredibly, there were a few survivors; just one family […]


The origin of Grand Canyon

The origin of Grand Canyon (by late-Flood channelized flow) by Michael Oard Grand Canyon (fig. 1) is one of the most visible and studied icons of geology. It is the valley of the Colorado River and is 466 km (290 mi) in river length, if the 97 km of Marble Canyon are included. Its depth varies […]


Why Do People Believe So Strongly in Evolution?

Why Do People Believe So Strongly in Evolution? Days of Noah and the Second Coming There are two earth-shattering events which cannot be explained on the basis of uniformitarianism. The first was the creation of the world and the second event was the worldwide flood. It was the second of these two events, the flood, […]


A Nation Always in the News

A Nation Always in the News It seems that Israel is never out of the news for long. Despite its small size and insignificance compared to other nations, the spotlight of the world’s attention falls frequently on this troubled country. The World could give a few reasons why this might be; A (generally) pro-western state […]


JERUSALEM Who’s City Is It?

JERUSALEM Who’s City Is It? The question of the true ownership of Jerusalem has often been posed and people who believe in the authority of the Bible as the Word of God will know that the real answer to this age-old query is to be found in the pages of Scripture. There, and there alone, […]


Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?

Jesus: God the Son or Son of God? What does the Bible say? Before Jesus Christ appeared, the writings of the Old Testament had for centuries been revered by the nation of Israel (the Jews) as the revelation of their God who had delivered them from Egypt at the Exodus. What impression had they gained […]



GOD RULES IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN Daniel 4:30-32 “30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? 31 While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, […]


Carbon 14 Dating how reliable is it?

Carbon 14 Dating how reliable is it? Problem: Dating methods (currently Carbon-14) are cited as definitely proving that man has been on the earth for at least 30,000 years. This age for man conflicts with Biblical chronology which dates the beginning of man’s existence on the earth about six thousand years ago. Solution: In order […]


God is in CONTROL of this WORLD

God is in CONTROL of this WORLD This article about Bible prophecy explains that God is in control of the world and has a glorious plan for its future. As this article unfolds we will consider what prophecy is and look at some of the things it says about the Time of the End. Even […]
