Entries by Steve

Why Do Some People Choose to Ignore God?

WHY DO SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE TO IGNORE GOD? WHY DO MANY PEOPLE WILLINGLY IGNORE THE EXISTENCE OF A GOD? WHY DO MANY PEOPLE IGNORE THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE FOREVER? Man spends billions of dollars every year researching cures for life’s diseases in an attempt to prolonging man’s life, people collectively spend billions on trying to […]



WHY DO MANY PEOPLE IGNORE RELIGION? WHY DO MANY PEOPLE IGNORE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE BEYOND THIS LIFE? Surely nobody can be happy about living such a short life, I mean 75yrs goes by in a blink, you ask anyone who is there and they will all tell you “I don’t know where the years […]


The Appeal of Jesus

The Appeal of Jesus It is easy to become anxious about the problems of the modern world. We can however take great comfort from the fact that the power of Jesus Christ, who called men and women nearly 2000 years ago, is still effective today. The preaching of the gospel by Jesus’ followers in the […]


Are You Saved?

Are You Saved? If So How Are You Saved? Is YOUR knowledge of the BIBLE and YOUR belief and worship of GOD able to SAVE YOU? Not sure? Well consider this passage from JOHN CHAPTER 17 “1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may […]


Why the Bible is Reliable

Why the Bible is Reliable “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 1 Timothy 3:16 Many scoff at the Word of God. The Bible says that even in the “LAST DAYS” there would be scoffers asserting, “Where is the promise of his […]


A Religion That Makes Sense

A Religion That Makes Sense 1. WHERE MODERN CHRISTIANITY FAILS Starting right Somebody once said that you will never find atheists on a life raft. This is another way of saying that when people are in desperate situations, they cannot afford to leave God out of their reckoning. The stark fact is that we are […]



ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE We all tend to make excuses. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. But God had given them clear instructions. When He reveals His will to us, we have no excuse for disobeying. Jesus said: “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, […]
