Entries by Steve


THE CENTRE OF THE BIBLE The truth is there are 31,102 verses in the King James Bible.  Therefore there is no single middle verse.  You cannot have a middle verse with an even number of verses.  However there are two middle verses. These would be verses 15,551 and 15,552 (Psalms 103:1-2.)  PSALM 103:1-2 BLESS the LORD, O my soul:  […]


Are YOU Really Saved?

 Is YOUR knowledge of the BIBLE and YOUR belief and worship of GOD  able to SAVE YOU?  Not sure? Well consider this passage from JOHN CHAPTER 17 “1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him […]


Calling on the Name of the Lord

Calling on the Name of the Lord What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? There are several Bible verses which mention this, but they are not well understood. For instance, it is common for church leaders to quote verses like: Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be […]


God is Always Right!

God is Always Right! When things go wrong for us we might think that God has got things wrong for us. But He never does that and His purpose is always designed to achieve the best, let John Woodall explains what he means by this. Why Animal Sacrifices? Throughout Old Testament times, the worship and […]



THE IMPORTANCE OF BIBLE TRUTH Is Bible Truth important to your Faith and Salvation ie. will you be saved despite what you believe the bible teaches or does it matter what you believe? Well, the word “truth” appears 237 times in the bible, that alone says it must be important! Therefore, it must be important […]


OUR Belief In God

OUR Belief In God There are, and always have been, many opinions on this subject. Is there a God? Need we believe in God? Is belief in God an outdated idea? The questions and opinions go on, and on. Some people who believe in God are highly educated; others who do not are equally intelligent […]


Are You Saved?

Are You Saved? The house was blazing and fire-fighters were rescuing people trapped inside. It was extremely dangerous and the firefighters had to apply their skills with great care. “Thank you SO much for saving me”, gasped one man who had finally been brought to safety. “No problem”, said the fire-fighter, “but you stay well away […]


A Pearl of Great Price

A Pearl of Great Price When a change of approach proved necessary, Jesus began to teach using parables. His message about a coming kingdom on earth was encouraging some Jewish nationalists to imagine that he was about to head a revolutionary movement which would sweep away the occupying Roman force and establish a Jewish State again. […]


Believing the Seemingly Unbelievable

Believing the Seemingly Unbelievable Imagine someone from 200 years ago visiting us today. They would know nothing of electricity, cars, aeroplanes, or mobile phones. How amazed would they be? Now try to imagine someone in the 1800s describing our way of life to a friend. It would all seem incredible. Godly faith has always required […]


Noah’s Ark by God’s Design Approved by Science

Noah’s Ark given the seaworthy seal of approval by physicists (It is not a surprise to Bible Students that Science should confirm the Bible True) By Sarah Knapton Researchers are saying that the concept of Noah’s Ark would definitely have worked. Photo / Thinkstock Noah’s Ark could have floated even with two of every land […]



THE OFFER OF LIFE OR DEATH “Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” Nor is […]


God Reveals Himself

God tells us all He wants us to know about Himself and His purpose, in the Bible. The Bible is complete in itself. It consists of sixty-six sections (each one called a ‘book’).  It begins, in Genesis chapter 1, by explaining that God created the earth and all the things that live on it, including […]


Why Am I Here?

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE? Have you ever wondered why you are here? Most thinking people have asked this question and wondered about the answer and the purpose of their life. They ask this question because when they survey their life and look at how small a speck of time their life occupies […]



DO YOU FACE OBLIVION?? If you are of a pessimistic nature, you might think that “We came from oblivion and as sure as night follows day, after our relatively short period of conscious existence, we shall return to oblivion”. But is that really the case or is there a better alternative? Life and Death There […]


Matters of Life and Death

Matters of Life and Death For those of us who have and love our pets, this story my be a familiar one to us. One Saturday morning I received an urgent call from a friend of mine, who told me her dog was very ill. As she didn’t have a car of her own, she […]
