Entries by Steve

Signs which Jesus Gave

Signs which Jesus Gave The Lord Jesus Christ gave various signs to help us identify the days immediately preceding his return to earth.  Many are contained in what is known as the Olivet Prophecy – recorded in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21. A Nation Reborn Probably the greatest sign that […]


Days of Noah and the Coming of Christ

The Days of Noah and the Second Coming of Christ There are two earth-shattering events which cannot be explained on the basis of uniformitarianism. The first was the creation of the world and the second event was the worldwide flood. It was the second of these two events, the flood, which was the basis for […]



WORLD-WIDE CLIMATE CHANGE Our climate is changing before our eyes’: Greenhouse gases, sea-level, ocean heat and ocean acidification all reached record highs in 2021, damning WMO report reveals Four key climate change indicators set new records in 2021, a new report shows Greenhouse gas concentration; sea level rise; ocean heat; & ocean acidification World Meteorological Organization published […]


God versus Man

God versus Man Human pride is the greatest enemy in the relationship between God and mankind. It will deceive the heart of man every time and thus obscure the difference between God and man. Worlds Apart (God Reveals Himself to Us) Many agree in theory that but for Jesus Christ the relationship between God and […]



GOD RULES IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN Daniel 4:30-32 “30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? 31 While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, […]


My Father’s House has many Mansions

My Father’s House has many Mansions “In My Father’s House are Many Mansions…” This is a passage of Scripture, in John chapter 14 verse 2, which causes some people to believe that Jesus was offering a place in heaven but, as Mark Buckler explains, the Lord had something quite different in mind. Jewish Book Many […]


Bible Teaching and Christian Life

Bible Teaching and Christian Life There were some people living in Corinth in New Testament times who were sceptics. They did not believe in any other world than this world, they saw no evidence for any other life than this life, and out of this belief they formed this proverb: “Let us eat drink and […]


Do Christians Need Priests?

Do Christians Need Priests? Bible Teaching About Church Organisation FOR many people the organisation and traditions of religion create large barriers to its acceptance. Believing that God can be worshipped acceptably by an individual in a forest or on a mountain – places which bring readily to mind His awesome creative power – they shy […]


Pagan Influence on Mainstream Christian Teachings

Pagan Influence on Mainstream Christian Teachings In this article, we shall demonstrate that most of the practices of today’s mainstream “Christianity” as well as most of its beliefs were only introduced into the religion as a regrettable outcome of an excessive undue willingness to compromise with the surrounding pagans in order to attain their support […]


The Race of Life

The Race of Life The world of the First Century, when the New Testament was written, was in many ways very much like today’s world. For example, people loved to watch athletics and First Century athletes were stars, just like today! Bible writers often used pictures from everyday life that were designed to catch the […]



THE REAL JESUS CHRIST True Christian faith is centred around the work of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. His life, death and resurrection form the basis for God’s plan of salvation. It is vital to understand the real reason for Jesus Christ, his true status as Son of God and how we […]


The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life Throughout time, men and women have asked the big question:   ❖  What is this life all about?   ❖  Is there a purpose or meaning to it? To answer these questions, we can turn to the Bible message and see that it is still relevant to us living in the […]


The LOGIC of Bible Faith

The LOGIC of Bible Faith The LOGIC of Faith – The Inspiration of Scripture Inspiration The Evidence of Peter The Evidence of the Prophets How God revealed Himself through Prophets Balaam – Jeremiah – Amos Visions and Events Style Conclusion Inspiration To anyone studying the Bible it is of vital importance to know where the ideas in the Bible […]


Finding the time to Stand Still?

Finding the time to Stand Still? It isn’t easy to find time to think. Life is so busy and there is always such a lot to do. Even when on holiday there are places to go, things to see, shops to visit and meals to eat. It can be exhausting! Just sitting and thinking is […]



Do YOU KNOW who GOD IS? How do we get to know anyone? Is it possible to know someone you have never met? For example, can you get to know an artist just by studying his or her artistic work? Starting with these questions, Anna Hart explores how we can get to know God, who […]
