Russia Triumphant in Europe
Russia Triumphant in Europe
An Article by John Ramsden LONDON, U.K. taken from
No! that’s not the front page headline from one of London’s tabloid newspapers announcing the Russian invasion of Georgia—or even recording Europe’s dependence on much of its oil and gas supplies!
In fact, it was the sub-title of a book written in 1854 by a Doctor of Medicine, John Thomas.
Because it looked forward to events in the Middle East prior to Christ’s return, it was called
“Anatolia”—a word of Greek origin relating to the rising of the sun in the east.
Following the publication in 1848 of his earlier book, Elpis Israel, the third section of which focused attention on Bible prophecy concerning developments which would occur in Britain, Europe and Russia and their relationship to coming developments in the Middle East, he made an extended tour of Western Europe (what is now Germany, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands) seeing for himself what was going on there.1
Following the great year of revolutions throughout Europe in 1848, it was clear from both his own experience and from his studies of the prophet Daniel and other Old and New Testament prophecies that, prior to the return of Christ, great changes would occur in Europe, and that Russia, away on the far horizon, would develop into a major end-time power. Read more