The Christadelphians in Whangarei meet at the Hora Hora Primary School, Te Mai Road off Maunu Road just before the Whangarei Hospital.
Our meeting time is: Sunday at 11am and we also have a weekly evening Study Class, please enquire if you are interested.
For more information please contact us:
Email: admin@truebibleteaching.com
Phone: 09 437 3804 or Mobile: 021 820 015
The Christadelphians meet all around New Zealand and around the World, so contact us for a meeting place near you.
Or see the New Zealand Map below for Meeting Places in New Zealand
Or see this website for starters: Christadelphians World Wide
Christadelphians are True Bible Students who base all their beliefs wholly on the Bible.
For as the Apostle Paul has said we must all “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
Why should we do this?
Because as Paul also says: God wants all men to know His plan and purpose, and the promise of His Salvation, from this life of pointlessness, in that we as mortal people just live and die. Rather than this being our fate, God is willing to “have all men to be saved (ie. to live forever in a far better, ideal world) and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” so that this might be a true reality for YOU. 1 Timothy 2:4
So yes YOU TOO can be a part of God’s Purpose with this Earth, you can learn about this, on this website, or by meeting with us, where you can also come and join with us in fellowship and rejoicing together at the prospect of God’s Kingdom Coming Soon on this EARTH!
We are a small group of dedicated True Bible Students in Whangarei but part of a Worldwide network of True Bible Students (Christadelphians) who meet all around the World.
We welcome all visitors to join with us in learning and believing in the One True God and His Son Jesus Christ as they are revealed to us in the Bible. We base all our beliefs on the Bible alone. God has given us His Word the Bible so that we might come to know Him in Truth and How we can enjoy the Salvation He promises to all those who LOVE and SERVE Him in TRUTH AND SPIRIT.
For more information please contact us:
Email: admin@truebibleteaching.com
Phone: 09 437 3804 or Mobile: 021 820 015