Archaeology Discovers the Exodus (Scientific Proof)
For some the story of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt is just an old myth and legend, yet Archaelology has found that there is proof outside of the Bible that this is true. See this video where the Historian / Author Ken Spiro explains what has been found.
The Darwin Delusion by Dr. John Hellawell (BSc. PhD. CBiol. FIBiol. MCIWEM)
Here is a little summary, with a few points taken from the lecture. “Darwin Day”, the 12th February 2009, is the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth. His book, On the Origin of Species, published 150 years ago, introduced the theory of evolution.
Why I Believe the Bible – Dr Phillip Mallinder Biologist
Dr Phillip Mallinder explains the amazing, intricate design of cells in the human body and the beak of a woodpecker and asks “who designed them?” (4:52)
Why I Believe the Bible – Manuscripts
Dr Martyn Lawrence explores the reliability and number of the original manuscripts of the Bible in comparison to other sources of historical events.(5:37)
Why I Believe the Bible – Horticulturist
Why I Believe the Bible – Historian
Why I Believe the Bible – Archaeologist