IDF Armored Corps soldiers drill near Moshav Aniam on the Golan Heights

Israeli tanks cross into Lebanon

IDF Armored Corps soldiers drill near Moshav Aniam on the Golan Heights

IDF Armored Corps soldiers drill near Moshav Aniam on the Golan Heights, (Michael Giladi/Flash90)

Areas in northern Israel, including Metula, Misgav Am, and Kfar Gilad, were declared a closed military zone, and entry was prohibited.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

As of Monday night, Al-Arabiya reports that Israeli tanks crossed the border into southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese army withdrew from areas in southern Lebanon, and IDF began to open fire.

Areas in northern Israel, including Metula, Misgav Am, and Kfar Gilad, were declared a closed military zone, and entry was prohibited.

Earlier on Monday, Israel intercepted missiles coming from Lebanon targeting Central Galilee and Haifa Bay.

This occurred after the IAF destroyed a storage area for missile launchers close to the Beirut airport.

In addition, Israel destroyed dozens of terror targets in Lebanon, including command centers, weapons storage facilities, terrorist cells, launchers, and additional terror infrastructure sites.

The Wall Street Journal reported early on Monday that Elite units have been making short intelligence raids for weeks and even months in anticipation of acting on the necessity of permanently removing the Hezbollah terrorist organization from the border via a ground invasion.

Their probes have included terror tunnels built by Hezbollah right up to Israel’s northern border, dug to enable its specialized Radwan force to invade the Galilee much as Hamas did on October 7, which sparked the ongoing war in Gaza.

With a new war now looking to take place in the North of Israel in Lebanon, we continue to witness Bible Prophecy being Fulfilled.  

The war with Hamas and now in Tyre and Sidon in Lebanon has been foretold in the Bible and its result has also been foretold and it is leading to the time of the end when Christ will return.

It’s interesting that the very word ‘Hamas’ is a Hebrew Biblical word found in…

Psalm 83

1  Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult (Heb ESL 1993): and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

“tumult”  is the Hebrew word 1993 הָמָה [hamah /haw·maw/] or hamas v. A primitive root [compare 1949]; TWOT 505; GK 2159; 34 occurrences; AV translates as “roar” eight times, “noise” six times, “disquieted” four times… Signifies: 1a (Qal). 1a1 to growl. 1a2 to murmur (fig. of a soul in prayer). 1a3 to roar. 1a4 to be in a stir, be in a commotion. 1a5 to be boisterous, be turbulent.

So very much like the modern day ‘Hamas’ terror group attacking Israel now.

Psalm 83 is a prophetic psalm that speaks of Israel’s enemies right up until Christ and the God’s Kingdom is established as it concludes with these words:

17 Let them be confounded and troubled forever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is YAHWEH, art the most high over all the earth.

This time can only refer to when God’s Kingdom and Glory is established on the Earth.

Joel Chapter 3

Interestingly Joel 3 which is about the lead up to Armageddon says that Saudi Arabia shall be on control of the Gaza and Southern Lebanon areas where these terrorists are.

“Now what have you against me, Tyre and Sidon (southern Lebanon = Hezbollah) and all you regions of Philistia? (Gaza = Hamas) Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I will swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done. For you took my silver and my gold and carried off my finest treasures to your temples. m You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, that you might send them far from their homeland.

“See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them, and I will return on your own heads what you have done. I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, (Saudi Arabia, see below) a nation far away.” The Lord has spoken.

Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.

10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”

11 Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, Lord!

12 “Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.

13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the winepress is full and the vats overflow— so great is their wickedness!”

14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.

15 The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.

16 The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.

” Sabeans” שְׁבָא (compare Æth. ሰብእ፡ man), [Sheba],—(1) Sabœans, Sabœa, a nation and region of Arabia Felix, rich in frankincense, spices, gold and gems, 1 Ki. 10:1, seq.; Isai. 60:6; Jer. 6:20; Ezek. 27:22; Ps. 72:15; carrying on a celebrated traffic, Eze. loc. cit.; Ps. 72:10; Joel 4:8; Job 6:19; but Job 1:15, carrying on depredations in the neighbourhood of Ausitis. The genealogies in Genesis mention three men of this name—(a) the grandson of Cush, and son of Raamah, Gen. 10:7;—(b) a son of Joktan, Genesis 10:28 (which accords with the Arabic traditions);—(c) a grandson of Ketura, Gen. 25:3; and in two of the places (a, c), Shebah is coupled with Dedan his brother; this I would thus account for, by supposing that there were two Arabian tribes of this name, the one descended from Joktan in southern Arabia (letter b), the other dwelling by the northern desert of Arabia, near the Persian gulf and the mouth of the Euphrates (letters a, c, and Job loc. cit. [But a and c were of different ancestry]).

= Modern day Saudi Arabia

So we are living at the time of the END and Christ will Return SOON!


