Doomsday Clock remains just 90 seconds away from global catastrophe for 2024 – amid wars in Ukraine and Gaza and A.I arms race
Scientists updated the Doomsday Clock Scientists Tuesday, revealing they are keeping it 90 seconds to midnight – the same as in 2023
The Doomsday Clock is unchanged from 2023 due to wars in Ukraine and Gaza
The symbolic timepiece stands at 90 seconds to midnight
READ MORE: MailOnline predicted what could happen with the Doomsday clock
PUBLISHED: 02:28 AEDT, 24 January 2024 | UPDATED: 03:35 AEDT, 24 January 2024
Humanity is still in a ‘time of unprecedented danger.’
That is the conclusion of scientists behind the Doomsday Clock, a symbolic timepiece which indicates how close the world is to ending.
The clock was updated today and remained at 90 seconds to midnight – the theoretical point of annihilation.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which decides where the hands are set, said it is the closest to global catastrophe it has been since it began in 1947 at the end of WW2.
The researchers said the wars in Ukraine and Gaza and advancements in artificial technology – which many commentators have dubbed the new nuclear arms race.
Rachel Bronson, the bulletin’s president and CEO, said: ‘Conflict hot spots around the world carry the threat of nuclear escalation, climate change is already causing death and destruction, and disruptive technologies like AI and biological research advance faster than their safeguards.’
She added that keeping the symbolic timepiece unchanged from the prior year is ‘not an indication that the world is stable.’
‘Quite the opposite. It’s urgent for governments and communities around the world to act,’ Bronson explained.
‘And the Bulletin remains hopeful – and inspired – in seeing the younger generations leading the charge.’
Despite what man has and is doing to the Earth, the Earth will not be destroyed because God is in Ultimate Control and He has a purpose yet to be established on this Earth. God will not allow man to destroy the earth.
God’s Kingdom will be established on this Earth in perfect fulfilment of Bible Prophecy just as the days in which we are living with all their problems is fulfilling Bible Prophecy. The real question is: WILL YOU BE IN GOD’S KINGDOM or will you be a casualty of these end times.